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RUN commandline
* RUN executes a commandline in a background task. If you want to
execute several commands, you can separate them with ; .
* By default output goes to the current window. To surpress output or to
get it into a file or onto a different window you can use redirection
symbols like ">" (no output), ">filename" or ">w" (to a new window).
In case of output redirection the launched background task will be
totally independent from the task it is launched from.
* Input will be redirected to the same window output goes to. If you
redirect output to a file, no input is possible (redirected to NIL:).
Input redirection symbols does not make sense with the RUN command.
* Because most things will be inherited to the new shell, you can use
Aliases .
eg. run copy fred.doc prt:
run >prt: type barney.doc
run >w dir df0:;ask